Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just one of the things that make me mad

I was working a job where I putting people on house arrest. I heard stories of how it was not their fault they were in jail or trouble. It was either the "cops, the boy/girlfriend, the job, the kids, and many other excuses. So when did we stop taking responsibility for our own actions.
ex #1
I asked one person after he told me that he was getting a bum deal. Were you drinking when you got pulled over? "Yes" he said"but I had a bad day at work and I needed to wind down before I go home so I don't take it out on my kid". "beside I only had a few no big deal". Ok so it is his job that made him get his DWI not his fault. And he is just drinking to protect his kids. I feel so ashamed of myself for thinking he was endangering many others with his actions. I should be thankful the did not go home and beat his kids.
ex #2
I had also put a woman on house arrest for drinking and driving. while there she told me that this was so unfair she needed to go to the store to get some things for the daycare she ran. (Yes I said daycare) she only had a couple of drinks and she did not know what happened but she hit a light pole totaling her car and when she woke up she was in the hospital and underarest. she also told me that even if the mechanic could not find anything wrong with her car she know that must be what had happened. because she had drank before and sometimes more that what she had this time and never been in an accident. but on a high note she had decided not to take her kids with her this time. Thanks heavens she did not. but again not her fault. must have been the car. As I was leaving her husband stopped me and said she left the house drunk and he had refused to let her take the kids. he had also taken the keys away and hide them like he had done many times before. But she had made a second copy and left when he was in the bathroom. I know alcoholism is a problem but that is not the only problem. there are many alcoholics that stay at home and drink.

I know a young person that told me they could not get a job because they did not have a car. When I asked how far they worked from home I was told about 8 blocks. Then the same young person told me they had to cancel the Dr. appointment for their child for the same reason. Again how far would they have to walk three blocks. Wow now I know I should have run out a bought them a new car or at the very least given them mine. but being the self-centered person I am I asked if there was something wrong with them that they couldn't walk to either. The only response I received was an odd look and "I can't walk that far".

Oh my goodness are we spoiling are children so they don't know how to do what has to be done. this is America where we are able with a little hard work and imagination make things happen. If this is a preview of what is coming around the been we are all in for a rude awaking. I have no solutions I really don't understand. dose anyone.

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